+(509) 2815-1500
Lun - Ven 08:00-16:00
+(509) 2815-1500
Lun - Ven 08:00-16:00

Katherine Salès


Langues parlées  Francais, anglais.


The environment has always been the main theme of my professional career, with a particular interest in biodiversity. Admitted to the New York and Paris Bars in 2005, I first apprehended the theme of biodiversity through law (classified installations, impact studies, biodiversity offsets, etc.).

The desire to have a more operational, more scientific understanding of biodiversity then led me to leave the legal profession and educate myself on ecology issues. At the same time, I worked at Dervenn, a company specialized in ecological engineering.

As a Manager at Deloitte Sustainable Development (following the acquisition of BIO Intelligence Service), I accompanied public institutions (European and national) and private companies in the consideration of environmental issues, through studies or consulting services.

In parallel, wishing to widen my knowledge and my comprehension of the stakes related to biodiversity and land use, I enthusiastically pursued a pluridisciplinary degree on these topics: the Master 2 BIOTERRE (Biodiversity Territory Environment) of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, concluded in November 2018 by a research paper on “Ex-ante and ex post biodiversity offsets: What integration into a territorial project?”. This (new) enriching academic experience, opening the field of possibilities, led me to leave Deloitte in order to focus on the issues related, directly or indirectly, to the taking into account of biodiversity in projects.

Champs d'expertise

  • Droit des affaires
  • Droit environnemental
  • Droit international humanitaire
  • Biodiversité


  • Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, (Master 2) Bioterre (biodiversité, territoire, environnement) (2018)
  • American University, Washington College of Law, LL.M. in International Legal Studies (2002);
  • Université Paris X Nanterre, Maîtrise (Master 1) bilingue Droit français / anglais (ex-DEJA), Droit des affaires (2001);
  • Educatel, Conseiller en Écologie (2013).

Adhésions profesionelles

  • Association française interprofessionnelle des écologues (AFIE)
  • Fédération Interaméricaine des Avocats (FIA)
  • Membre du Barreau de New York;
  • Membre du Barreau de Paris;
  • Inter-American Bar Association (Council Member, 2006);
  • Vice-présidente, Comité des droits humains (2006).

Articles et publications

  • « Controversies on the Definition of Genocide as Set Forth in the 1948 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, » 2001;
  • « Imazighen (Berbers) in Algeria: Entitlement to Linguistic Rights?, » 2002;
  • « Deforestation in Haiti: An Irreversible Trend?, » 2002.
  • Rapport annuel de l’observatoire des pneumatiques usagés : données 2015
  • Rapport annuel de l’observatoire des pneumatiques usagés : données 2014
  • ENVI Relevant Legislative Areas of the EU-US Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations (TTIP)
  • Civil liability, financial security and compensation claims for offshore oil and gas activities in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Study on ELD effectiveness: Scope and Exceptions
  • Study on the environmental risks of medicinal products
  • Equivalent conditions for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling operations taking place outside the European Union
  • Legal implications of the EU-US trade and investment partnership (TTIP) for the Acquis Communautaire and in the ENVI relevant sectors that could be addressed during negotiations
  • Implementation challenges and obstacles of the Environmental Liability Directive (ELD)
  • Derechos Humanos, Refugiado Ambiental y Madre Tierra, in “Homenaje A Reynaldo Peters Arzabe y su Recurso de Hábeas Corpus en Papel Higiénico”